Xinput test terminal
Xinput test terminal

xinput test terminal

You can then use the Core Audio APIs to receive voice input and send sound output. You can call the XInputGetAudioDeviceIds or legacy XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids function to obtain the device identifiers that correspond to the devices for the microphone and headphone. The headset has a microphone for voice input, and a headphone for sound output. Optionally, a headset can be connected to the controller. The speeds of these motors are specified in the XINPUT_VIBRATION structure that is passed to the XInputSetState function to set vibration effects. The controller also has two vibration motors to supply force feedback effects to the user. The states of each of these inputs are returned in the XINPUT_GAMEPAD structure when the XInputGetState function is called. The Xbox Controller has two analog directional sticks, each with a digital button, two analog triggers, a digital directional pad with four directions, and eight digital buttons. Controllers that have the headset attached can also be queried for sound input and output devices that can be used with the headset for voice processing. Using this API, any connected Xbox Controller can be queried for its state, and vibration effects can be set. Applications can use the XInput API to communicate with these controllers when they are plugged into a Windows PC (up to four unique controllers can be plugged in at a time).

xinput test terminal

The Xbox console uses a gaming controller that is compatible with Windows.

xinput test terminal

Getting DirectSound GUIDs (legacy DirectX SDK only).


This topic provides a brief overview of the capabilities of XInput and how to set it up in an application. XInput enables Windows applications to process Xbox Controller interactions (including controller rumble effects and voice input and output).

Xinput test terminal